Sponsor Spotlight: Kri8it

kri8it is a full-service digital marketing agency with the expertise to act as a strategic digital partner to our clients. We pay close attention to our clients’ business objectives and ensure that all your web-based activities are aligned, and that your digital marketing investments deliver value.

WordPress is the framework on which we build all our websites regardless of size or complexity. We have used many other platforms, langauges and even have our own system but have found over the last years that you simply cant beat it.

Our strategy is an integrated one with the focus on ensuring that we remain on the cutting edge in our industry, keeping in touch with an ever-changing online landscape and user demands. We provide relevant strategic advice and solutions, focusing on client relationship management and cost effective solutions. We focus on 5 key areas – that is: Reach, Interact, Convert, Engage and Retain.


Why WordPress?

Open source, stable, easy to pass on, vibrant community, SEO friendly, versatile.

Why did you decide to get involved and sponsor WordCamp Cape Town 2012?

We want to give back in a way. Show support.

What are your thoughts on the WordPress community as a whole? And the South African WP community?

We encourage all we can and the community is growing year on year. There are some outstanding players in the development community.

What are you most looking forward to at WordCamp Cape Town?

Networking, learning, inspiration, community.

Please share one WP tip

Using the WordPress Transients API to increase performance.

From the Codex:

set_transient('transientKey', 'transientValue', 60*3);

this ↑ will store the data for 3 minutes


this ↑ is how we can retrieve the data we have stored


use this ↑ to delete a transient

We can use transients to cache all types of data eg. Twitter Feed results, complex query results, remote data or even a complex nav menu.

For example Twitter is making quite a few changes to its API and restricting the number of calls allowed. So using the Transients API is a good solution to increase performance and reduce the load on the Twitter API from your site.

Here is a quick example of using the Transients API to cache a complex menu:

function kri8itNavMenu() {
$menu = get_transient('kri8it_nav_menu');
if (false === $menu) {
$menu = wp_nav_menu(
array( 'theme_location' => 'primary', 'echo'=> 0 )
set_transient(' kri8it_nav_menu ', $menu, 60*3);
return $menu;

We must remember to clear the cache when the menu is updated.

function kri8itSaveMenu() {
delete_transient(' kri8it_nav_menu ');
add_action( 'wp_update_nav_menu', 'kri8itSaveMenu' );

Tell us more about how you became interested in WordPress, what about it drives your continued interest?

We had developed our own CMS for years but it was too much to keep rolling out upgrades and updates. We needed a robust alternative – WP is just that.

Do you make money from wordpress?


Are you going to be giving any Swag away at the event, what sort of goodies can the attendees expect?

Yes, Pens for the SWAG bags.

Is WordPress an effective platform for getting your message across?

Absolutely perfect.

Where do you feel you can make a difference at WordCamp and why?

Supporting and & encouraging WP innovation and development. We have some serious developers with lots of experience to offer or bring to the mix.

About Ash Shaw

Ash founded LightSpeed WordPress Development, back in 2007. We have been a fully remote team since 2014. Ash is a based Cape Town, a beautiful location with mountains and sea within 10 minutes cycle.
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